The lighting of a different candle on each Sunday in Advent invites us to pause and reflect. Each candle has its own symbolism, while the intertwined evergreen leaves of the Advent wreath remind us of the promise of eternal life that Christ brings. In most Christian traditions the first candle, lit on Advent Sunday itself, represents hope – a sign of our hopeful
expectation as we await the coming of the Messiah. The next three candles mark the themes of peace, joy and love. The large white candle is the ‘Christ candle’, lit as we mark the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day. On this the first Sunday of Advent we pray. God of eternal hope plant in our hearts the spark of your love. May we begin to hope in a God who is forever present with us. May a growing sense of your presence emerge for us this Advent and may a ‘God with us’ be the source of our hope this Advent

The Advent Wreath
Published on December 1, 2023