World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Published on April 19, 2024

In his letter for World Day of Prayer for Vocations Pope Francis said: Each year, the World Day of Prayer for Vocations invites us to reflect on the precious gift of the Lord’s call to each of us, as members of his faithful pilgrim people, to participate in his loving plan and to embody the beauty of the Gospel in different states of life. Hearing that divine call, which is far from being an imposed duty – even in the name of a religious ideal – is the surest way for us to fulfil our deepest desire for happiness. Our life finds fulfilment when we discover who we are, what our gifts are, where we can make them bear fruit, and what path we can follow in order to become signs and instruments of love, generous acceptance, beauty and peace, wherever we find ourselves. Let us pray today that people will respond to God’s call for us to be people of prayer, love and service in whatever place we find ourselves on the journey of life. We pray today that the Lord will send labourers into the rich harvest he has planted.

Lord, the ministry of priests confirms your unfailing care for your people.

Call from among us the priests and religious needed for your church of today and tomorrow.

Bless all those who are discerning a vocation to priestly or religious life

and bless all those who minister in your church in any way.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen