Easter Reflection

Published on March 29, 2024

There is no doubting that the Easter message is one of new beginnings. The trappings, of hurt and betrayal are all let go of. Maybe more to the point they are transformed by absolute love. In return for hate and hurt all Jesus breaths is peace and love.

Author Richard Rohr, in Hope Against Darkness, writes: “The wonder of the resurrection stories in the Gospels is that Jesus has no punitive attitude toward the authorities or his cowardly followers; and the followers themselves never call for any kind of holy war against those who killed their leader. Something new has clearly transpired in history. This is not the common and expected story line. All Jesus does is breathe forgiveness (John 20:22)”. 

May the Peace of the Risen Lord visit all our hearts and our homes this Easter Season. As Jesus breaths in peace, forgiveness and love may we breath in deeply this radically new message so that we may experience something new being resurrected in our lives, our relationships and in our faith.